小烏龜和鳥 The Tortoise and the Bird
小馬過河 Little Horse Crossing the River
給衣服的食物 Food for Good Clothes
小貓釣魚 A Fishing Cat
濕褲子 Wet Pants
學會靠自己 Learning to Rely on Ourselves
……小烏龜和鳥 The Tortoise and the Bird
小馬過河 Little Horse Crossing the River
給衣服的食物 Food for Good Clothes
小貓釣魚 A Fishing Cat
濕褲子 Wet Pants
學會靠自己 Learning to Rely on Ourselves
999 塊拼圖 999 Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle
小牧童 The Little Shepherd Boy
再試一次 Try Again
龜兔賽跑 The Hare and the Tortoise
壞脾氣 Bad Temper
三只小豬 Three Little Pigs
小豬嚕嚕搬西瓜 The Pig and Watermelon
狐貍先生與鶴太太 Mr. Fox and Mrs. Crane
愚蠢的驢子 A Dumb Donkey
烏鴉喝水 A Thirsty Crow
畫蛇添足 Adding Feet to a Snake
飛行的烏龜 The Flying Turtle
幸福拍手歌 If You are Happy
下金蛋的鵝 The Goose with a Golden Egg
蚱蜢與螞蟻 The Grasshopper and the Ants
老獅子 The Old Lion
狼來了 The Boy Who Cried Wolf
愛普莉月 April’s Month
狐貍和小貓 The Fox and the Cat
狐貍和山羊 The Fox and the Goat
狗、公雞和狐貍 The Dog the Rooster and the Fox
守財奴和他的金子 The Miser and His Gold
誰是你的守護天使 Who is Your Guardian Angel
老鼠嫁女兒 The Mouse Marries off His Daughter
小熊讓路 Bear out of the Way
頑強的小兔 Persistent Little Rabbit
矮婆婆的樹皮小屋 Grandma Short’s Hut
想長大的小青蛙 Little Frog Wants to Grow up
傲慢的玫瑰花 The Arrogant Rose
勇于承認錯誤的小象 Little Elephant Owns up Mistakes
小袋鼠讓座 Little Kangaroo Offering Seats
媽媽最辛苦 Mama Works the Hardest
鷸蚌相爭 The Snipe Grapples with the Clam
拔苗助長 Pulling Up the Seedlings to Help Them Grow
南轅北轍 Going South by Driving the Carriage North
孔融讓梨 Kong Rong Shares the Pears
猴子撈月 The Monkeys and the Moon
愚公移山 Yu Gong Wants to Remove Mountains
年的傳說 The Story of Nian
東郭先生和狼 Mr. Dong Guo and the Wolf
田螺姑娘 The Snail Girl
十二生肖的故事 The Story of the Zodiac
聰明的小象 A Smart Elephant
我的媽媽 My Mum
秋千 The Swing
你是我的陽光 You are My Sunshine
我們同在一起 The More We Get Together
螢火蟲 Fireflies
小鳥在說些什么 What does Little Birdie Say
紙船 Paper Boats
晴天或陰天 Sunny or Cloudy
酸菜 Pickled Peppers
季節歌 The Seasons Song
來到車站 Down by the Station
變戲法 The Hokey Pokey
回家路上不停歌唱 Sing Your Way Home
動物園一日游 Going to the Zoo [ 展開全部隱藏部分 ]